Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Grant holding 8-point

Just wanted to take a few minutes tonight to tell you about our son, Grant. Here he is at a wild game dinner our church sponsored last month holding a nice rack from a buck that was taken by a friend our ours, Rob Quigley (with a bow at 15 yards on Halloween of '05). By the way, did I mention that Rob is all of 17 years old! (Where do you go from there?)

Anyway, Grant is now 6 years old and is all boy. We shoot bows together in the summer and fall. He loves anything to do with weapons, danger, sports and any type of competition (especially competing against me - he wants to know how long until he will be bigger and stronger than me...). The testosterone is already flowing! Last year he sat for about 2 hours with me in a tree stand and amazingly kept his focus for most of the time. I look forward to the day he takes his first deer - I hope to be right there cheering him on.

He is a great kid and watching him grow up into a young man before my very eyes is quite a sight to behold. One of the things I love most about him is his tender heart. Often, when we are talking about someone who is in need of prayer, he will ask "do they know God?". He is genuinely concerned that the people we care about know God and have the grace and love of God in their lives. As he grows older and gets "tougher", I pray that his heart stays tender toward God and the people he has placed around us.

Son, you might find this entry in some archive a few years from now. And if you do, I just want you to know that I love you and that I am very proud of you.


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