Good-bye to Summer!
Wow, I can't believe we are already into mid-October! Our kids have been back in school over a month now, and it has been a whirlwind of activity. But, with the recent heat wave (80 degrees again today) I feel like it's still August and wanted to take one final look back at the summer of 2008.
This picture was taken on the shore of Lake Michigan near Saugatuck at a friend's birthday party. It was a chilly sunset, but very beautiful. Our kids ventured into the big lake for a few minutes that day, but came into the house blue-lipped and shivering in short order. It was one of our final adventures of the summer, and all-in-all last summer deserves a B+ or better.
We spent the first week of summer in Colorado on vacation - which turned out to be one of the best vacations we ever had. Then we did some camping all around the state and spent 5 days at Brown City Camp. Our kids also spent a week at Camp Barakel and we ended the summer with a weekend at Spring Hill Camp in Evart, Michigan.
Our biggest adjustment was Sandi's work schedule...We had less flexibility for travel and spent more time around the house than usual. But with the great weather we had this summer and my travel for work lessened, it all turned out just fine. The good news is that Sandi really likes this new job and that God is providing for us (as he always does) even in this tough Michigan economy.
I am now looking at the autumn colors in our back woods and am ready for fall. The weather should cool off in a few days and that means I will be doing some deer hunting soon...More on that later.
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