Saturday, May 13, 2006

What does "sexy" look like at 39?

Here's the scene. I am up really late the night before watching an old Burt Reynolds movie that will haunt me for the rest of my life. It's a Friday night and I am taking the next day off. Saturday morning rolls around and I sleep in (a rare but precious blessing from God that I have learned to in no way take for granted). I roll out of bed, and walk through a very quiet house (kids are still sleeping) and come into the kitchen. I look at the clock - it's about 8:30 a.m. The sun is streaming into the room on this absolutely beautiful spring morning.

I walk over to the window and notice some activity in the driveway. I look and see my wife, standing by my truck, with a rag in her hand, making this odd, circular motion. I'm dumbfounded...what is this strange sight? What could it mean?

As the realization dawns on me about what is taking place I start asking another set of more disturbing questions; what has she done? How much do we owe? How much did we "save" this time? Or worse yet; what's his name? Is he taller than 5'6"? Are these really my kids?!

What is a guy supposed to do who's been married to the same woman for 17 years and wakes up one morning to find her washing AND WAXING his pickup truck? It was terrifying...

But in the end I found out that she woke up early on a Saturday morning to wash and wax my truck just to say "I love you". Now I ask you men, have you ever looked out your kitchen window and seen anything more sexy than that? Didn't think so.



At 5/15/2006, Blogger Katie said...

Yes, your wife is a sexy mama. Hope she had a good mother's day. We were sorry to miss Grant's b-day party too. I CAN'T believe he's going to be 7. I remember celebrating his first birthday - that was the first time I came to your house!

Two weeks from today we'll make our journey to good old Melvindale. Lots to do till then, and lots to do after - gotta clean that basement up. Yikes! Looking forward to seeing you all!

At 5/16/2006, Blogger Katie said...

Whoa, Tom. Your 39? Are you going to be 40 on your next b-day? (Isn't that the same as Chris' - next Sunday?)

At 5/17/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

OK, just to set the record straight:

1. I am turning 39, not 40 (so the caption really means, "what looks sexy to me at 39". Sandi is still a babe in the woods, at the tender age of 37.
2. Also, I do not have a goofy laugh! Actually, its quite endearing...
3. Lastly, I didn't "let her" wax my truck. It was all her idea. I had heard of such things happening in distant lands where women treat their husbands like gods, but never believed I could ever attain such nirvana!

At 5/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight. I did not wash and wax Tom's truck to make up for some blunder. I did it to show love and appreciation for my husband (and because I copied an idea from a book on marriage)

At 7/12/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was so sweet I actually had real tears!


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